Archive: General Page

  • Leadership

    List of Georgetown University’s Faculty Senator Officers and a description of their roles.

    Category: General Page

  • Archived Documents

    Expedited Processes for Appointments of Senior Faculty (12/11/2012)UCRT Memo 2011 (12/12/11)Draft Checklist for External Evaluators of Tenure/Promotion/Appointment Dossiers (03/2004)Proposals of the

    Category: General Page

  • Steering Committee

    2015-17 Faculty Senate Steering Committee Members (Approved September 17, 2015) Wayne A. Davis (Philosophy); Senate PresidentRichard Diamond (Law); Senate VP for Law CenterRobert Cumby (Economi

    Category: General Page

  • Prior Minutes

    Senate 2013-2014 May 12, 2014 2012-2013 May 14, 2013 (attachment: 2012-13 Committee List)April 11, 2013March 20, 2013February 11, 2013January 15, 2013December 11, 2012November 19, 2012Oc

    Category: General Page

  • Prior Agendas

    Senate 2011-2012 May 15, 2012April 16, 2012March 28, 2012January 18, 2012December 12, 2011November 16, 2011October 13, 2011October 3, 2011September 21, 2011 Main Med 2012-2013 Febru

    Category: General Page

  • Prior Senate Members

    Senators (2019-20) LawMainMedEx Officio Senators (2018-19) LawMainMedEx Officio Senators (2017-18) LawMainMed Senators (2016-17) LawMainMed Senators (2015-16) LawMainMed

    Category: General Page

  • Rules of Procedure

    Rules of Procedure adopted by the Faculty Senate. Secret ballot rule. Voting will be done by secret ballot on any motion if any member of the Senate specifically requests it.  Secret ballots will

    Category: General Page

  • Archive

    Proposals Discussed at Past Senate Meetings Removal of Section III.E "Guidelines on Submitting Applications for Tenure and Promotion" from the Faculty Handbook. Section III.E consists of a set

    Category: General Page

  • Faculty Senate Service Awards

    At the end of each academic year, the Faculty Senate awards the Senate Service Award on one or more individuals for distinguished service to the Senate.   2024 David Cole, GULC, in recognition

    Category: General Page

  • Committees

    The Senate appoints members of the University Committee on Rank and Tenure, the Grievance Code Committee, the Faculty Responsibilities Committee, the University Budget Committee, and many other commi

    Category: General Page